Last time I wrote I was under pressure – so much to do and so little time before I was preparing to fly back to Ireland. Well, I made it and here I am ready to go to my first class this afternoon. I had a hectic week last week and the past two days have been really nice just getting settled and seeing some friends and family.
It was International Peace day on 21st September, 2009, and Montessori schools all over the world were participating in a song of peace which was being sung right around the globe. Every school was given a time slot to sing in – the children at CCAP International Pre-school were between 10 and 10.10am – some of the children had tea lights to hold, and they sang beautifully. Montessori believed strongly that peace is the answer to the world’s problems, and by teaching our children that peace is important will hopefully instill this philosophy in their young lives.
Light a candle that shines all the way around the world.
Light a candle for me,Light a candle for you,
That our wish for world peace will one day come true
Sing Peace Around theWorld
Sing Peace Around theWorld
Sing Peace Around theWorld
Sing Peace Around theWorld

I was intending to go to an ECD network meeting in Lilongwe but due to getting organised for leaving, I did not manage to attend. I had a friend, Sylvia, from USA staying for a few nights during the week which was great – she is also an ECD person and we had lots to talk about!
Wednesday night Bible study was a celebration that we had finished our study book and before we begin another, we have a pot luck supper – it was a fun night……

Just before I left, my friend Pemphero came to say bye – he is 5 years old and the son of my neighbour – when I moved to Mzuzu he was just 2 and he used to come and visit me all the time. He said he would not be too sad when I was going away but that he would be happy when I came back – at least some one will miss me!!
On Friday I left on the 6am bus for Lilongwe – it was quite a good journey – only took about 5 ½ hours which was great. Travelling down over Viphya the views were stunning although some bush fires made breathing difficult as we passed through the smoke.
I was flying Kenya Airways and the flight to Nairobi was quite rough due to the hot air temperatures outside, I was glad to get out of the plane – not quite so glad to spend 8 hours in Nairobi airport in about 40 degrees with no air conditioning! Met a few interesting people though, including the deputy minister of tourism for the Comoros islands – lovely man and great sense of humour!

Spent the night in Lilongwe and got a taxi to the airport next morning. So now I am back in the lovely cool dull weather of Northern Ireland. Was great to see family on Sunday and to have a couple of days before I begin the course.
So here I am - looking forward to seeing you all at some point during the 6 weeks.
Have a great day