Hello everyone,
Its been such a busy month as usual. I long for the day when I can write I have had such a relaxing few weeks!! Its been fruitful in many ways though as well as challenging!
In August, we had a zonal meeting in Karonga with our Early Childhood Presbytery Trainers from Livingstonia, Rumphi, Karonga, Ngerenge, Chitipa and Wenya. This was an orientation for training which is happening in September and October in 11 Presbyteries.
I am the Vice Chair on the Board of a mental health organisation in Ekwendeni called Vwira. At the end of August the CEO and Board Chair and some other members of Niamh Mental Health from Belfast came for a few days to see the work that is happening. Vwira is supported by Niamh. We spent a few days visiting clients in their homes and listening to their stories of how they are being helped by medicine and counselling from Vwira.
Mrs Barbara Mangwazu the co-ordinator addressing some of the clients in Ekwendeni |
Singing to welcome the visitors in Dunduzu |
Visiting a client in their home in Dunduzu |
Meeting a group of clients in Dunduzu |
I took a weekend and went to Nyika national park with a friend Jane. The park is about a 5 hour drive north of Mzuzu on a dirt road. Its a beautiful place - roaming hills almost like Scotland except it has amazing African wildlife such as Zebra, different types of antelope, elephant and leopard, as well as amazing bird life. So for an avid photographer I was in my element! We spent a whole day out on the hills. Unfortunately I got something in my eye which became infected, and I spent the next week in agony! Its fine now! Here are a few pictures of the weekend.
Jane is a talented mandolin player! |
Back from the weekend and the GAC (General Administration Committee) of our Synod was meeting and of course I had to go and present the report for Early Childhood Development. Thankfully there were no questions!
Note the Christmas tree in the background - I think it is in the church all year long! |
Now its the weekend, and today I am catching up with emails and blogs and things that I don't have time to do during the week. For the next 6 weeks we are training 2 committees per week in different Presbyteries so I will be travelling a lot. Please keep safety for travel in your prayers.
I will finish with a few extra pictures of the past couple of weeks. As I prepare to leave Malawi after 20 years, I would value your prayers for handovers in my job, for packing up, for saying goodbye to so many colleagues and friends, and for plans to move to Lusaka after Easter in 2016.
Wishing you a good week,
Diane x
Early morning fisherman |
bee eater in my garden |
Baobab tree |
boiled eggs for the journey... |
sunset at Nyika |