Friday, 28 August 2009

Visitors and things.....

Hello everyone
Just a wee update on what has been happening this week. Its been a busy week with people visiting, and also some visitors in my house that I did not appreciate! A team from Magherafelt in Northern Ireland were passing through on the way to Livingstonia which was great - lovely to catch up with some news from 'home' and to see some local newspapers.......and of course its always exciting to get some unexpected gifts from friends so thanks Margaret for the goody bag - much appreciated!!

School started again this week and you can see our very happy bunch of teachers and helpers - they work really hard and I know that parents appreciate the effort they put into their work because we can see the fruits through the children.

Last time I was showing a picture of the carpenter making the swings - well now you can see the children enjoying them - they have really been a blessing to our kids.

and.......the painting I was doing - well if you look at the above two pictures you can see my handiwork (or some of it). I was quite pleased with the way it turned out.
As you can see, our school in Mzuzu is well equiped and the kids have such a great time learning the Montessori way. In our other CCAP schools throughout Mzuzu and indeed throughout the northern region, children are not so fortunate. Here are a couple of our other city schools where they have no equipment and no trained teachers.......and it shows. Next time I will post some of the rural school photos too.

We are still in the process of building a school in Mzuzu and here you can see the progress so far - we are up to roof level on the first building - but still have a long way to go. Here at our school the parents are planning a sponsored walk in the next few weeks so hopefully that will boost the progress. Thanks to all in Northern Ireland and Scotland for their support also - lets continue so that the children can have a beautiful school in Mzuzu.

and just a closing thought......
'wisdom begins with wonder'

I wonder what this child is thinking about.
Wishing you a great day where ever you are

Sunday, 23 August 2009

snakes and dancing.....

What a weekend I have had so far. On Friday morning the teachers came to clean the school as it is the end of school holidays and we open on Monday. Frank and Annex are busy making some new swings for the toddler class. Its looking good so far.

Meanwhile I was busy cleaning in the classroom when Frank called me to look out the window – to see this wonderful big shiny silver snakelike thing – with what looked like a head at each end. How horrible…..I didn’t venture out to take a photo of it and Frank disposed of it! I had never seen such a creature before – people tell me that they live in anthills and can live deep under the ground - they also say they don't bite but I wasn't taking any chances!! I was just glad that it appeared when we had no children at school, because children tend to run after things that move……….

On Friday afternoon I headed off to Karonga (a 3 hour journey north of Mzuzu) with two of the trainers for Early childhood development. We were going to have a workshop on Saturday at Ngana, one of our CCAP congregations on the Tanzanian border. It was my first time to go so far north. We were told to go to the border and then the border post officials would show us the way! We reached the border only to be told we needed passports to cross……I was furious because no one had told us this before we left. However, I decided to call one of the colleagues in Mzuzu who informed me that the road to Ngana was just 50 metres before the border. Very relieved we turned around and found the road. When we asked how far it was to Ngana, we were told not far. It was quite a rough dirt road, so we drove on and on and asked again….its not far, we were told again. Then we met a motorbike – it was the minister coming to look for us! I must admit I was relieved to have found the place. It is in a beautiful place – mountainous and peaceful. We were training the committee and caregivers for two new nursery schools which are just opening. It turned out to be a great day –the training was a huge success and the highlight of the day was that there was a traditional malipenga dancing festival going on in the village alongside our training. We left around 4pm with a large bag of rice in the back of the car, and arrived back home around 8.30pm.

Some of the people at the training......

...and some of the kids who came to look at the mzungu!!

Oh……….and for all you Hillsborough folk…….was at Kasowa last week delivering the medical stuff – here are a few pictures….

Kapote, the sister in charge and Diane

The sister receiving the boxes.

Some of the caregivers outside the new building - its looking great!
Today is a day for relaxing……..tomorrow the rush of school opening begins…..
Till next time

Monday, 17 August 2009

The boys who came to town...

A couple of weeks ago I had two visitors who came to help with making materials for two nursery schools in Mzuzu. Jonathan and Wesley are students who gave up of their time to do some needy work to help our children.

The first place they visited was Zolozolo - it was in dire need of repair and there were no swings or play materials outside, so the boys set to work and did a great job. This was the after picture......

and then we have the before picture........ they should have been the other way round but I can't figure out how to move them, so let's hope I do better next time! Anyway, great job boys, thanks a lot!

They did a similar job at Katawa another church nursery school in Mzuzu where they made outdoor playing materials. The metal slides are still being made but I hope by the end of this week they will also be in place.

I know the children at both schools will really benefit from having these materials, and not only the children from the schools but all the kids from the surrounding areas! We are trying to help them grow holistically and one element of that is physical growth so I have no doubt these materials will help!

'Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see'



Sunday, 16 August 2009

Paint and more paint..........

The weekend has been dominated by paint.........its school holidays and so I thought it would be nice to give the equipment a 'quick paint' to make it all clean and fresh. However, the 'quick paint' lasted about 9 hours altogether. I was painting knobless cylinders, red rods and number rods for those of you who know Montessori equipement. It was fun but it was messy - spray paint when the wind blows towards you suddenly is not a joke - before I knew it I was a lovely shade of pink and then I look as though I have a slightly tinted sun tan today! However, it has all been worth it, as the equipment is looking good.

My new house is also beginning to look good - at least it feels like home now. I have managed to get most of the rooms painted, and one room is a store for school as we don't have enough space there. If and when I figure out how to put a photo on this blog you may be able to see it.

I am still busy travelling around the north, but for the next week I am in Mzuzu. At the weekend we go to Ngana on the Tanzanian border for a workshop with the caregivers from that church. These workshops are really helping the caregivers to understand what their role is in looking after young children. It always amazes me that I take for granted so many issues relating to childcare which are just not known here. The support we are receiving from the congregations we visit is so encouraging, and I know that the young children of Malawi will really benefit from what is happening, especially in the rural areas.

Today we have no electricity or water (which is normal on a Sunday). Because of this, I will sign off now as the battery on my laptop is running low.

Wishing you all a great day what ever you are doing.
