Sunday 20 June 2010

creativity in our centres

Hello and greetings from a wet and chilly Mzuzu - its a day for woolly jumpers and thick socks!

Much has been happening in Early Childhood Development and this week at our school we have had much creativity!

The children were moulding clay (at home you would use playdough or something similar but we use mud) and they were really enjoying making different shapes.

The finished products left to dry in the sun!!

The children made a lovely house in the playground during the week - the top picture shows the finished results. The one below shows the work in progress. This activity gave the children and the teachers a lot of pleasure!!

Last week two of the trainers travelled to Mlowe congregation on the upper lake shore to train the caregivers and committee of a nursery school. Here you can see them at work!

The view from the nursery school is stunning over the lake with the Tanzanian mountains in the distance - imagine waking up to that every morning!

On Thursday and Friday of the past week we have been at Kachere, a congregation within Mzuzu who are opening a nursery school. We were training the caregivers and committee the basics of Early Childhood Development and it will be exciting to watch the progress as the school develops.

A child was with us during the training and he enjoyed playing with this locally made football - here you can see him diving for the ball - maybe he will be a future world cup participant!!

It is always good to see folk from UK - this week there were several visitors. A group of teenagers from Scotland were visiting the synod and one of the teachers came several times for a cup of coffee which was nice - this was her second visit. Also a friend who used to work in Livingstonia stayed for a few days with a couple of others which was really nice.

Wishing you a blessed week!



  1. Hi Di

    Love the new look, and the building works! My Brownies are doing similar things in the woods!! Very busy here as we head towards the end of term. Have a good week.

    Love from Mox

  2. Hi Di,

    Love the weather picture! Think my kids were covered in much of that mud at our school too, looking at state of uniforms!!

