Sunday 28 November 2010

Hi there,
This week has been a bit less hectic in terms of rushing here and there. Its been nice to spend a whole week at home! Rains have still not come to Mzuzu although around the country there has been some rain. I have been in the office most of the week catching up on paperwork. We are having a 2 week training in Mzuzu Presbytery in December so I am busy organising that! On Wednesday I was leading morning prayers here at the Synod - the them was 'Fruit of the Spirit' - I actually enjoyed it!!
I finished off a craft project this week - usually in the evenings I am too tired to do any sewing but I managed to finish my quilt cover!!
This young man started the Pre-school here in Mzuzu when I arrived in the north. He comes to visit and I was delighted this week as he was able to read me a story (in English!!) - makes me feel proud when I see children developing like this.
On Friday night I attended a Thanksgiving dinner with some American missionaries who work and live in Mzuzu. There were quite a few kids there and after the food they were outside playing - it was dark. One of them saw something move and it was one of these.......a black mamba! This is not the actual snake as I did not have my camera. It did not survive long!!

For three days Enala, Nicolas and Emily our trainers were in Malangazi with the caregivers from nine nursery schools. They had a great time - here you can see Enala teaching. When they came back yesterday they brought me a gift from the minister of a large sack of ground nuts (peanuts) - absolutely delicious..........

As I don't have many pictures this week I thought I would show you some of the colourful trees we have here in Mzuzu! This one is a Cassia tree and it is my least favourite as just before it blossoms my asthma flares up!! It does look beautiful though.

This is the flamboyant bloom which is fabulous - in Mzuzu these days we have such a colourful display of them.

This in in my garden - the bourgenvillia - I love this blossom as do the birds in the garden.

Malawi is home to many frangipani trees both the pink and the yellow blossom - such a pretty tree.

And for Molly - your Gogo came to visit me this week - she is in great form and sends lots of love to you and your mum!!
Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.


  1. Glad you have been able to be around home a bit more and love the quilt! It is lovely to see all the flowers and blue sky (but not the snake!). We are seeing plenty of frost and even snow now!
    Looks like the winter weather is here for a while yet...
    Have a great week
    Fiona x

  2. Hey,love your handy work of the quilt cover it looks fab!! It's good to see the lovely flowers - not too sure if I would actually like to see of the snakes tho!!!! Bit too scary for me.
    Hope you have a lovely week

  3. Hi Di

    Glad to see you keeping busy. We are 'enjoying' about 8" of snow, school closed, roads treacherous, blah blah. Great to hear Molly's Gogo well, and thank you for her greeting. Have you got any pics?
    Love Moxx
