The first place they visited was Zolozolo - it was in dire need of repair and there were no swings or play materials outside, so the boys set to work and did a great job. This was the after picture......

and then we have the before picture........ they should have been the other way round but I can't figure out how to move them, so let's hope I do better next time! Anyway, great job boys, thanks a lot!
They did a similar job at Katawa another church nursery school in Mzuzu where they made outdoor playing materials. The metal slides are still being made but I hope by the end of this week they will also be in place.
I know the children at both schools will really benefit from having these materials, and not only the children from the schools but all the kids from the surrounding areas! We are trying to help them grow holistically and one element of that is physical growth so I have no doubt these materials will help!
'Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see'
You seem to be getting the hang of things with this bloggign thing. Looking forward to following events in Malawi - nice to see the pics.