Hello there
Not a lot has happened this week - just the usual although we have had some fierce weather the past two days. Yesterday we had torrential rain and wind, thunder and lightning - I thought the house was going to blow away. Among the rain were ice drops (not hailstones as they were too big) - lumps of ice - the picture does not really do it justice. The noise was amazing considering we have tin roofs on the houses!! Today we had the rain and lightning again without the ice thankfully!! I would not be surprised if some people have lost their houses in Mzuzu - my garden fence blew down!!

In good old Northern Ireland style I am sure you do not need to hear me rambling on about the weather. I have to do a presentation on Thursday about Early Childhood Development and have been looking for inspiration in some of my old photos. Thought I would give you a laugh as you see how the ageing process works. Unfortunatley I do not have digital photos before 2005 or maybe its fortunately!! This is me in Zomba on the beautiful mountain and looking at this photo made me realise that I miss the place a lot. Don't I look young!!!

With the ZTC community at the Womens' Ministry in 2006 just before I left Zomba to go to Mzuzu.

Leaving Zomba Theological College Pre-school - here you can see me opening a gift from the nursery school committee.

I think a lot of you have seen this before - when I spent the year in South Africa in 2004, I worked in an afternoon club for Aids orphans called Jim Jam. This is me with Thabo the cutest child in the place!! (and probably the naughtiest too)

The first big workshop with the trainers for Early Childhood Development in 2008 - in case you are wondering about some of the attire, we were beside the lake!!

I think you are aging pretty well sis! The thaw is on although it is still like a skating rink on our road. Have a good week.