Sunday 12 September 2010

moderators and the beach...

Hello everyone
What a lovely week we have had! Great excitement when the moderator from PCI, Rev Norman Hamilton, his wife Evelyn and daughter Julie arrived. Here you can see one of the choirs who welcomed them.
During the welcome ceremoney, Norman with his counterpart from CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, the moderator, Rev C Baloyi in the middle, and Rev M M Banda the previous moderator....all mods together!!

They paid a visit to our school. Unfortunately it was a public holiday for Eid el Fitr and so we had only a few children there, but the teachers explained what happens at school.
We employed a new Head Teacher during the holidays who started work last week. She is Mrs Patricia Nyasulu and I am hoping that she will settle in quickly, and relieve me of some of the duties at school so that I can concentrate on the training programme for the Synod. You can see her here, the second adult from the right. She is a lovely Christian lady who I know will be a good leader in the school.

The kids were excited to see themselves on the camera...

Training continues to go on throughout the Synod, and here you can see Kamoza who is training in the local language-Tonga. I am pleased that he has really improved and the caregivers were learning a lot from him. One of the other trainers there, Gibson is just recovering from measles. In Malawi at the minute, we have an epidemic of measles both in children and adults, and there have been quite a few deaths in the country. Vaccines have been given to children but measles are still rife.

When I was in Zomba, one or two of the student ministers called their children Diane after me! Its great to visit them in the congregations and yesterday I called at Chinteche and met one Diane who is now 7 years old - makes me feel old!! Isn't she cute?

Rev Brian, Diane's dad with the two younger children, Vita and Hope...

the lovely beach at Chinteche and lake Malawi...

washing clothes... no washing machines here...

lots of Hammerkops on the beach today...

and while I was at the lake I did a wee spot of fishing in this dugout.... lake was rough so didn't catch anything!!

And now, I am on holidays for two whole weeks - yea - and there is no fuel in Mzuzu so I am stuck! Lets hope things get better!!
Have a great week




  1. Holiday eh? I should think so. Enjoy. I hope that you get some fuel and can escape to the lake for a few days.

  2. That's lovely, enjoy your holiday! hope you come back refreshed.

  3. Wow! that's lovely! enjoy yourself,hope you will come back refreshed. You are doing great a great job!.

  4. Hope you have a lovely rest and the fuel situation gets sorted! Eope enjoy your well earned rest and get some time for yourself.

    C x
