Hello everyone,
hope you are having a relaxing weekend!! Today, I have been busy with household chores and after spotting this beautiful butterfly feasting on a fallen papaya (pawpaw) in my garden, decided to write a few words. The black blob to the right of the picture is a large fly so you can see the size of this lovely butterfly.

During the week I had the opportunity to go to visit Phiri at Nkhata Bay where before I left, I wrote about two European girls who were intending to build a nursery school for Phiri congregation. Well, here it is..........
The building is really large and spacious and great for early years. Here you can see some of the children enjoying the almost complete facilities.

This is one of the caregivers in her new room - such a difference from being in the church building.......

After visiting Phiri, I stopped at Limphasa congregation to check how things were going. Unfortunately due to another early years centre being opened across the road by an NGO, many of the children have left. The NGO provides free provision of food, and resources. However, as it is a project, it will finish soon and I am hopeful that the children will come back again.

It was interesting that while all the children were posing for a photograph, this little lad was very busy playing on his own..........

Its always good to go to a place to find children who were in the Pre-school at Zomba now living. This is Chancy who was in the Zomba school - he is such a lovely wee boy and is in primary 3 now.

Our own school building in Mzuzu is coming on well - since I left in December, plumbing has been done - unfortunately I was not able to talk with the builder to see how things are progressing, but hopefully this coming week I will meet him.

Last week Matt noticed a caterpillar hanging from his door frame - he left it and look what has happened.........

Watch this space and maybe next week you will see stage 3 - I wonder what will emerge!! Its very exciting!!
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. I am writing this today as the next few days will be busy with guess what........more visitors!!