Sunday 22 May 2011

Beautiful creation...........

Hello everyone,

Its been another busy week in Mzuzu. Monday was a national holiday - it was Kamuzu Day, and I was taking a friend back to the airport in Lilongwe. On the way we did some walking in the hills of the Vyphia - it was a beautiful day, the flowers were stunning, and so this weeks blog is really all about the beauty of creation........

Lovely yellow flower peeping out of the grass...........with a gorgeous blue below

Small yellow daisies provide masses of colour...

the protea - the national flower of South Africa........out of focus but still a nice picture

stunning scenery - really could be anywhere in Ireland.........only it was a few degrees warmer!!

Army ants - not something you want to stand on. Many a poor traveller (myself included) has had to remove all clothes and jump into water to get rid of them - they have quite a sharp bite!!
I love the light of the sunset beginning...........

A wonderful shot of a beetle hanging on.........

The colours of the flowers are amazing at this time of year..........

The rest of the week was spent in the office, trying to sort out files and letters which had been received in my absence. Then on Friday afternoon, I got all the stuff which came in the container and with Fiona, tried to organise it to send to our Early Childhood you can see there is quite a lot!! So, now at least it is in a more manageable form. We are going to have Presbytery competitions to encourage caregivers to work hard in the Early Childhood Centres, and the best one per Presbytery will receive a lovely gift for their centre.

Once again, we have a fuel shortage in Malawi - there was no fuel for 3-4 days and now that I have some I am reluctant to use the car as we never know when it will come again!

A good friend lost a daughter this week too, which was very sad - she had been ill for some time but was a young woman who could have had a bright future.

So a busy but fruitful week. I hope you had a good one too.

Wishing you many blessings until next time,

Diane x


  1. Great set of photos this week, Diane. I'm impressed!

    Praying you will continue to know the Lord's guidance, equipping and blessing for each new day.

  2. Hi Diane

    There are some really brill pictures there!! The army of ants reminds me of our frist trip to Malwai back in 2000, which seems so long ago.
    Well I hope you have a lovely week.
    God bless
    Caroline <><

  3. I am sure the care givers will be really excited to recieve some of that equipment it looks great. Remembering you in my prayers as you setttle back into a busy time
    Love Ruth

  4. Sorry to hear of your friend's daughter, Diane.
    Hope you got all your assignments done!!

  5. Thank you for the encouraging messages........
