Hello everyone
Just a short note. School closed for Easter holidays last week and children were very busy painting eggs to carry home. Lots of concentration going on - each child was so proud of the egg they carried home. I was given a lovely home made Easter card from the children too!! Now I will be alone in the office for the next three weeks - no children running in to greet me, or chat!!
Its been a wet week with lots of really heavy downpours. Rainy season should be coming to an end but when..........
This week I was confined to Mzuzu as my car has no fuel and although diesel came to the pumps it was all reserved by large companies and even after waiting for 2 days on a queue we got nothing! Its all very frustrating. However, I did get through a lot of office work which was good.
The most wonderful news this week is that my student Nicolas passed his exams. I am really proud of him and he is delighted with himself! Thanks for all the prayers from those of you who know him.
Wishing you a good week,